29 February 2008

Hillary Clinton has gone TOO FAR!

So, the new Hillary Clinton ad is Alarming. And it is meant to be.

Seem familiar? Yeah, it is the same kind of scare tacics LBJ used in the 60s!

And it is just disgusting. I expect such dirty tacticts from republicans, but thus far McCain has actually refrained from it. Leave it to Hillary play this card.

Next thing you know this will be her campaign theme song:

Turns out a McCain Supporter made the same argument for McCain over a month ago. Language is too similar for it to be using a common theme (a scene a faire if you will).

12 February 2008

Music Makes Me Happy...Even When It Is Sad!

As I left for my radio show this evening, I was in a foul mood. I had a pretty decent weekend, spent a lot of time with friends out at bars, had visitors come in from Portland who took me to The Hard Sell ( a DJ Shadow/Cut Chemist and Kid Koala Show which, by the way, was amazing...all 45s!!), and I even had a nice dinner with a friend this evening. But in the time between coming home from dinner and leaving for my radio show my mood turned sour. I have a feeling it has to do with the looming holiday, but considering I tend to celebrate NOT celebrating the holiday (some of you old timers may recall back in 2005, when I wasn't single mind you, and I cracked open this egg of knowledge...
The Corporatization of Love
Can someone explain to me why Valentine's Day might exist other than to get corporations a bunch of money by selling the same old shit at exorbitant prices? For example, tomorrow, a dozen roses will cost $9.99 - $19.99. Yet, TODAY, today they are $79.99 - $129.99 (oh, why not splurge for that 4 dozen roses bouquet for $289.99?). Any love that one has today will likely be the same tomorrow, so what's the difference? Why not wait til tomorrow to "celebrate your love" and spend that extra sixty some-odd dollars on another gift? But, this brings us to an even more pertinent issue. Valentine's Day is bad not just because it lets corporations hold people hostage and thus profit off of something that should be celebrated every day, but also because it makes people feel really shitty. It's like "hey loser! no date? haha, you are gonna die alone! you might as well go slit your throat because you are the ONLY one without a date." I say fuck that.
...on why we should just not care about the holiday).

Regardless, for whatever reason, I was not in a good mood. I had no real interest in going to my radio show and I certainly didn't want to have to pick out a bunch of music to play for the few people I might have listening. However, as I started playing music, my mood started to lighten. Song after song I became happier and more peppy, to the point where my radio show totally made my day. It reminded me, yet again, how important music is to me. Pretty much no matter my mood, there is music that will make me happy.

In this instance, the music that made me happy was listening to stuff that I used to play on my show back in the day on KSCU. Gems that most people in these parts either a)have not ever heard or b) do not necessarily like. I busted out the likes of The Wunder Years (who haven't been around since 2001), Gogol Bordello (who, for whatever reason, I have barely played on my show at all in quite some time), and the ultimate song from the KSCU days (except for maybe Old Skull's version of Homeless):
Robyn Hitchcock's Viva! Sea-Tac

After all of that, I was so happy. My mood turned around completely and I had a bounce in my step.

At this point I would like to make a slight interlude and show you the video for Homeless by Old Skull. This has to be one of the funniest/saddest/absolutely most amazing things I have ever seen/heard. Nine Year Olds playing punk! I used to play this vinyl ALL THE TIME on my show. And the part where the kid screams "Ronald Reagan Sucks! I Hate Ronald Reagan!" Classic!

Okay, enough of that, back to the topic at hand (although that kind of proves my whole point, as I am in a REALLY good mood after watching that gem).

What really got me thinking was that some of the music that lightens my mood might, for some others, make their mood worse. For example, if I am going through a rough breakup, or if I have just had my heart broken, it makes me feel better to listen to depressing music because it makes me realize that others out there feel like I do. Then everything is okay. I remember Justin, who at one point went through a breakup at roughly the same time I did, was the opposite and would always try and grab my iPod and change it to some happy sappy bullshit. For my money, when that happens, just throw this track on repeat and nothing in the world can be wrong:

So, trusty reader, this is where you get to be interactive. When you are going through a patch of heartbreak, what's your medicine? Do you reach for the songs of sadness and despair, or do you want lollipops and head bobbing? What's your poison? Tell me!

05 February 2008

I'm No Politico, But It Is Time to Get Political...

Sometimes I love the fact that I have a Tivo. It lets me record television programs without actually having to watch the television. That means I can get my dose of The Daily Show (or, as it is known until the writers strike ends...A Daily Show), and weekly doses of Family Guy, The Simpsons, and maybe a little It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. if you don't know IASIP, get on the bandwagon people...it is simply amazing. check it:

So, I get a call today that says Hillary Clinton cried again. Yes, really, it worked so well before, that she DID IT AGAIN. However, this time Fox News thought it was sincere. Why? Well maybe it is because Ann Coulter has said she will support Clinton if McCain gets the nomination. Yes, she really said that HILLARY CLINTON IS MORE CONSERVATIVE THAN MCCAIN!

Then, as I sat at home tonight watching the Simpsons on the Tivo, more Clinton talk (about Bill, but Clinton nonetheless). This amazing scene came on. Take note that this is a flashback episode to the 90s, which then uses prescient comments to bash Bush...

It is hard for me to understand why Hillary is the candidate that people believe are electable. I am telling you this now, if Hillary runs against McCain, HILLARY WILL NOT TAKE OFFICE. I initially would have said that she would not win the election, but because she very well could but have it stolen away from her like both Gore and Kerry did, I won't say it. Here's the deal. Hillary Clinton is a lightning rod. People on the right HATE her. People on the left side of the right HATE her. I'm A Kucinich supporter who voted for Gore and Kerry in the last two elections and I HAVE HAD IT. If she is the Democrat nominee, I'm voting Nader:

And this is a a common sentiment. Many people will no vote for her. Many would vote McCain if it is Hillary. She will lose, for real, and we cannot have that. 4-8 more years of Republican rule will destroy this country even more than it has been. SCOTUS, as it stands, has set civil rights back 150 years under GWB, we need to ensure it doesn;'t become even more right wing. Obama is the only way left to do that. But, when it comes down to it, Hillary is simply wrong on the issues and is not a progressive in any way...

Sure, there are not necessarily huge distinctions between the two candidates, but the distinctions exists nonetheless. We will start with National Security. Boy should couldn't be more wrong.

#1 - Nuclear Weapons.

#2 - The Iraq War.
Yep. Hillary let Condi convince her to vote for the Iraq War, and ignored intelligence reports that stated the OPPOSITE of what Condi was telling her. Yes, even I could rebut the logic Condi used before the war by doing some simple reading...so why couldn't an intelligent Senator with lots of aids?

#3 – Iran

Hillary voted yea on the Kyl-Liberman Iran Amendment that essentially gives Bush the power to make war with Iran. Awesome, just what we need…MORE WAR. And let’s do it with a bigger country, that has more rugged terrain, a much bigger army, and has more religious extremists than Iraq does. Good call Hillary. Don't even get me started on Pakistan.

What about domestic issues, you say? Okay, well she attacked Obama for opposing the harsher prison sentences mandated by federal sentencing requirements and says that his progressive background and voting record are negative things. She is also wrong on immigration:

If Pat Buchanan agrees with her on immigration, then she is DEFINITELY wrong. Sure Hillary, let's scapegoat immigrants. What happened to the whole Chips and Guacamole analogy, Hillary? Anyhow, that is enough for now...this could go on FOREVER!


First off, as many of us first learned this week, but which others have known for years, Hillary Clinton spent six years on the board at Wal-Mart! Yes, really. Sure, she claims to have wanted to promote women at Wal-Mart, but it is my understanding that women are allowed to be part of unions. Isn't that the case? Or did GW finally get that law through that bans them from unions and takes away their vote?

Or, maybe we should consider the fact that feminists are abandoning her. Seriously, if she were such a great candidate for women (because, yes, she gets to play the I am a woman card vote for me, while Obama cannot play the race card), then why are feminist leaders saying to NOT vote for her? That's right, NY Feminists for Peace have endorsed Obama, not Hillary.

Deniro supports AND IS CAMPAIGNING FOR Obama. Enough said.

As a writer for Daily Kos says, "Voters are faced with the following choice: (i) select a familiar partisan gladiator and hope she will out maneuver political opponents in the zero-sum game of Washington politics, or (ii) support a new American Majority that can begin to make progress on the issues of the day." The answer is simple friends. For our nation, vote this way...

Review from Seattlest of Beat Battle I Judged Last Month

You might remember that last month I was a judge at a Beat Battle over in Ballard (Seattle neighborhood, for those of you who aen't familiar). Here's a write up we got!


Seattlest attended the late-night Graffiti Rock beat battle at The Sunset on Saturday night, casually organized by P.U.S.H., primarily so we could remind ourselves what Ballard looks like.

Ballard's doing fine, in case you haven't been there recently either, and djblesOne of Massive Monkees took home the battle's imaginary trophy somewhere around 2am; second place went to Sportn' Life DJ Nphared (interviewed by Seattlest here). Both of the finalists brought beautifully composed, rock-hard, trampoline-tight beats to the event, but in the end, djblesOne's complex compositions won out.

The surprise of the night was when hot producer Brainstorm (pictured above), second-place winner at the Big Tune Championships, lost his first (and therefore his only) round to Rudy (of Rudy & the Rhetoric) in a unanimous but hotly crowd-contested decision from the three judges. Boo! Hiss!

We actually loved Brainstorm's second beat, a jazzy, sexalicious stoner number, but the judges felt it wasn't the best choice for the first round of a battle.

In hiphop, love and war, strategy is right up there with sheer technical skill and musicianship; Rudy not only was on the winning left side of the stage (hooked up to a Mac built to play hard beats) but also brought some of his best drum-crunching, creative beats to a first round battle he didn't think he'd win. We are fond of Rudy, and surprisingly fond of his beats, but it was certainly a shocker to see Brain dismissed so early in the evening.

The other competitor we were particularly feeling that night was MTK, who played some of Seattlest's favorite beats of the night (including a guitar-plucking "Fuck You" refrain against Sabino and a crunchy, driving beat against blesOne). We liked PSmoov's work, but only got to hear two beats from him. GMK and Johnny Magnum pulled off a short but very sweet performance of some of their best tracks before the final round of the beat battle, which was fun. Judging the event: Larry Mizell (Cancer Rising!), Andrew Matson (Seattle Times hiphop journalist), and Cameron Collins (of Saku Collins Entertainment & Media Law Group). Big Rob hosted: "Let's flip a coin. Who's got a coin? ... And it's heads. And that," as he bent down to pick up the coin, "is my ass crack." By the end of the night, the battle had devolved into a series of drunken insider jokes from the judges and long, mildly funny stories from Big Rob; we still enjoyed the showcase of local producers' work. We also enjoyed leaving Capitol Hill on a Saturday night for once.

REPOST: Stories From Punk Rock Bowling Vol. 01: Background and Observations

So this one isn't going to be very exciting. More of a description of the ongoings and some thank yous. The real juicy stuff is to come... but I will put initial observations at the bottom:

So I got there Tuesday night. Just hung out for a few days until Thursday when people started showing up. Already, on that first night, people were super drunk. I was surprised at how hard some people were hittin the bottle considering we had a full weekend plus bowling left. And I'm not even talking about my team. We represented Asian Man Records and were pretty much awesome. The first day we bowled pretty poorly, but bowled just well enough to advance to the B league playoffs. 56th in the B group (which meant 88th overall). The second day, we got 15th in B group (47th overall).

We were rollin strong too...huge crew. So I say thank you to new and old friends who really made the weekend: James, Darin, Rich, Ruben, Jessica, Linney (+2), Jen, Kate, Haley, Jacob, Kevbo, Jamie, John, and my cousin Brian! And I am positive I forgot others, but love me anyway! OH...and a BIG thank you to Mike Park!!!!

1) People at Punk Rock Bowling get really really drunk.

2) Fat Mike isn't so fat anymore. Cocaine, anyone? He still writes good music though.

3) Our group of friends definitely had the most attractive girls. Big ups to the ladies for making us look good!

4) Nothington and American Steel, who both performed at the show, fucking rule.

5) The guitar player from American Steel looks like Andrew from Against Me!

6) I bet you the Tell-Tale Heartbreakers are insane live, although I have never seen them. Their lead singer is pretty awesome though.

7) McDonald's is putting some super dirty toys in their Happy Meals, and they should probably be stopped.

Go look at it in person and just think of whether the Golden Girls were a porno about rabbits...pretty gross.

8) Even smokers think it is too smokey in Vegas casinos.

9) You can't leave Vegas without gambling...I bet a whole dollar!

10) The best haircuts come in hotel bathrooms from hairdressers on vacation!

REPOST: SoKo is So French!

Stéphanie Sokolinski a.k.a SoKo!!

So my business partner just got back from Germany and told me about this new female singer that is all the rage. Apparently she is a well known french actress (Stéphanie Sokolinski) who is now playing music. It is straight up indie. Kind of like a french kimya dawson (moldy peaches, juno, anyone?). Kind of like feist. But she is blowing up in Europe. No one here knows her here yet. And you can tell this is going to be something KEXP is going to eat up so hardcore!

Show review from Gigwise UK:
"It's difficult to know what to make of our French friend. Playing a solo show with just ukulele and keyboard (She is normally supported by a full band) she comes across as a real life Phoebe Buffet with song titles such as 'I Hate Your Dog', 'Baby Cat' and 'I Think I'm Pregnant'. There's definitely the influence of Daniel Johnson throughout with very little attention paid to the music, all simple beats and strums, and nursery rhyme like storytelling but beneath the simplicity the words cut deep with an emotional wit. Shy and bumbling throughout there is something charming about Soko in her innocent persona that makes her music no matter how absurd beautifully arresting."