29 August 2008

Sarah Palin: The Anti-Woman Candidate!

So, I have to interrupt my DNC coverage (don't worry, I will get back to it...guests have simply been in town and I have been playing host) to discuss John McCain's pick of Sarah Palin to be his Vice Presidential Running Mate.

I wasn't really sure who McCain would pick, but the choice of Palin, although bold, is a powerful move. It is the first time a woman has been the VP choice of a Republican candidate, and is an opportunity for women to further move ahead in the world...by having a woman only one step away from the Presidency, little girls everywhere can know that they one day may have the chance to be President.

Then again, woman or not, is an anti-choice, anti-gay rights candidate really a positive step for women? I sure don't think so. Here is a woman who has been heralded as a "Pro-Life Champion" She also wants public schools to teach Creationism. Oh, but you say she vetoed a bill that would ban giving benefits to gay domestic partners...but she also supported the Alaska ban on gay marriage...so much for those gay friends she claims to have.

The important thing to note here is that the choice under cuts the McCain campaign in two very important ways. First, it is a blatant attempt to pick off Hillary voters thought to be fed up with the lack of an Obama-Clinton ticket. But, really, do you think Hillary will for a second allow people to believe she would support McCain-Palin over Obama-Biden? In her speech at the DNC she made it clear that McCain does not stand for women's rights...but that Obama does...no way would she not diffuse the opinion that voting for an anti-choice woman is a good move for women.

Second, it absolutely 100% destroys the experience argument that McCain is constantly making against Obama. Palin has governed a state with a population of only 683,478 people. As pointed out at TPM Election Central, Obama governed almost 27 times that many people when he was in the ILLINOIS STATE SENATE.

Oh, and let us not forget that she was runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska Beauty. That's novel. Forget it, I change my mind, she is qualified!

I think Obama spokesman Bill Burton put it best:
Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain's commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush's failed economic policies -- that's not the change we need, it's just more of the same.

This curve ball in the campaign is exactly what we needed post-DNC...more evidence to the American Public why Obama is the only possible choice for President.

26 August 2008

DNC ’08: Dennis Kucinich Calls Upon America to "Wake Up!"

In what will surely be the highlight of the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio called upon America to WAKE UP!!! Sure, I am biased, as a perennial Kucinich voter (who knows what I would have done if he was still running by the time the Washington State Caucus came around). The amazing thing about this speech is that it was made to a partially empty hall. And yet he got them fired up and fed off of their energy. Has anyone else watched the day speeches today? SO boring. SO monotonous. And yet he got me fired up KUCINICH '08!! WOO! Oh wait, I mean Obama/Biden '08...yeah!

Here is his speech:

And with lines like this...how can you not LOVE it..."If there were an Olympics for misleading, mismanaging, and misappropriation...this administration would take the gold!" That's why you should all go order this:

And if you can't watch videos...here is the text (but i recommend watching it!)
It's Election Day, 2008. We Democrats are giving America a wake up call. Wake up America. In 2001, the oil companies, the war contractors and the neo‐con artists seized the economy, and have added four trillion dollars of unproductive spending to the national debt. We now pay four times more for defense, three times more for gasoline and home heating oil, and twice what we paid for health care. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their homes,
their health care, their pensions. Trillions of dollars for an unnecessary war paid with borrowed money. Tens of billions of dollars in cash and weapons disappeared into thin air, at the cost of the lives of our troops and innocent Iraqis, while all the President's oilmen are maneuvering to grab Iraq's oil. Borrowed money to bomb bridges in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. No money to rebuild bridges in America. Money to start a hot war with Iran. Now we have another cold war with Russia while the American economy has become a game of Russian roulette.

If there was an Olympics for misleading, mismanaging and misappropriating this Administration would take the gold. World records for violations of national and international laws. They want
another four year term to continue to alienate our allies, spend our children's inheritance and hollow out our economy. We can't afford it America.

Wake up America, the insurance companies took over health care.
Wake up America, the pharmaceutical companies took over drug pricing.
Wake up America, the speculators took over Wall Street.
Wake up America, they want to take your Social Security.
Wake up America, multinational corporations took over our trade policies, factories are closing, good paying jobs lost.
Wake up, America. We went into Iraq for oil. The oil companies want more. War against Iran will mean $10 a gallon gasoline. The Oil Administration wants to drill more ‐‐ into your wallet.
Wake up, America. Weapons contractors want more. An Iran war will cost five to ten trillion dollars.
This Administration can tap our phones. They can't tap our creative spirit. They can open our mail. They can't open economic opportunities. They can track our every move. They lost track
of the economy while the cost of food, gasoline, and electricity skyrockets.
They skillfully played our post‐ 911 fears and allowed the few to profit at the expense of the many. Everyday we get the color orange, while the oil companies, the insurance companies, the speculators, the war contractors get the color green.
Wake up America. This is not a call for you to take a new direction from right to left.
This is call for you to go from down to up.
Up with the rights of workers.
Up with wages.
Up with fair trade.
Up with creating millions of good paying jobs rebuilding our bridges, ports and water systems.
Up with creating millions of sustainable energy jobs to lower the cost of energy, lower carbon emissions and protect the environment.
Up with health care for all.
Up with education for all.
Up with home ownership.
Up with guaranteed retirement benefits.
Up with Peace.
Up with Prosperity.
Up with the Democratic Party
Up with Obama ‐ Biden
Wake up, America.
Wake up, America.
Wake up, America.

DNC ’08: The Liberal Lion Delivers a Hope For the Future

It was not long ago that Senator Edward Kennedy was diagnosed with brain cancer. For me, this was a sad day. The man who has often times been called the Liberal Lion of the U.S. Senate is someone who should inspire us all. In a time when politicians continue to move to the right to appease Republicans, Ted Kennedy has refused to do so. He is a man who, save a few personal mistakes, would have been a greater President than either his brother Jack was, or his brother Bobby would have been.
Before Kennedy spoke, a retrospective on the man aired at the convention. This short documentary was made by Ken Burns and really showed the man behind the politician.

This is a man who, upon losing to Jimmy Carter in 1980, made one of the most important economic social justice speeches of the post-civil rights era at the Democratic National Convention. That speech included such highlights as:
My fellow Democrats and my fellow Americans, I have come here tonight not to argue as a candidate but to affirm a cause. I'm asking you -- I am asking you to renew the commitment of the Democratic Party to economic justice. I am asking you to renew our commitment to a fair and lasting prosperity that can put America back to work.

Let us pledge that we will never misuse unemployment, high interest rates, and human misery as false weapons against inflation. Let us pledge that employment will be the first priority of our economic policy. Let us pledge that there will be security for all those who are now at work, and let us pledge that there will be jobs for all who are out of work; and we will not compromise on the issues of jobs. These are not simplistic pledges. Simply put, they are the heart of our tradition, and they have been the soul of our Party across the generations. It is the glory and the greatness of our tradition to speak for those who have no voice, to remember those who are forgotten, to respond to the frustrations and fulfill the aspirations of all Americans seeking a better life in a better land. We dare not forsake that tradition. We cannot let the great purposes of the Democratic Party become the bygone passages of history.

JFK and RFK were a new hope for America. Tonight, in a surprise appearance at the DNC, Sen. Ted Kennedy showed that the new hope for America could be Barack Obama. He called for health care for all Americans to be viewed as a fundamental right and not a privilege. Here is his speech:

Now, we shall see if Obama can live up to this expectation. I fear that politicians, including most Democrats, are too beholden to special interests to ever live up to such expectations (there is a reason I tend to caucus for Dennis Kucinich)....but we shall see! I hope for all of our sakes Ted Kennedy is right.

DNC ’08: Michelle Obama Adds Humanity to Campaign

Four years ago, I remember sitting on my couch and watching Laura Bush speak at the RNC. You could tell she wasn't comfortable. Or maybe she just sounds like a robot all of the time...

Tonight, however, we saw a different politician's wife speak, and she was quite captivating. Michelle Obama spoke at the Democratic Convention and was able to add a human face to the Hopemonger Barack Obama. Is it really so surprising that a woman who was once the Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a non-profit that focuses on youth and social issues, could speak so candidly and yet so eloquently on a bright futue for our country?

Teresa Heinz-Kerry was a good speaker, but Michelle was inspiring. Take a look for yourself...

14 August 2008

Tropic Thunder: Comedy & Controversy

Last night I headed out to Bellevue (there were no Seattle showings anywhere close to me...what the hell?!) to see the midnight showing of the release of the new movie directed by Ben Stiller...TROPIC THUNDER. For those who have yet to see the trailer, here it is:

Tropic Thunder is the story of a bunch of big time Hollywood actors trying to make a movie about the Vietnam War. When the man behind the financing of the film gets angry with the director for his failure to keep the film on budget and on time (the movie is already a month behind schedule after one day), the director decides to go rogue, and film the movie in the actual jungle...not on set but in "the shit," as they call it in the film. However, once they get dropped into the jungle, the actors find themselves in something much more dangerous...an actual fight for their lives. Action, gore (it is a Vietnam War movie of sorts, afterall...), and comedic moments galore ensue.

The film itself is a satire on great Vietnam War movies of the past, with obvious allusions to Apocalypse Now, Platoon, and Full Metal Jacket. It stars Ben Stiller as Tugg Speedman (the biggest action star in the world who is on the backside of his career), Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus (an multi-Academy Award winning bad boy Aussie), and Brandon T. Jackson as Alpa Chino (a rapper who is attempting to move over to acting). Jack Black is also one of the main character, playing Jeff Portny (a drug addled comedic actor famous for portraying every character in his series of films called The Fatties). Here is a clip of his character in action:

Well, folks, youtube is rejecting this video, so let's go with RDJr in action instead:

And I certainly can't forget to mention Nick Nolte playing Four Leaf Tayback, the Vietnam Veteran who wrote the book upon which the film they are all making is based. I could go on forever, as each character in the film could be discussed at length, but I will simply say there are also important roles played by Jay Baruchel (from Almost Famous and Knocked Up), Steve Coogan, Bill Hader, and Matthew McConaughey.

The biggest highlight in terms of actors in the film is Tom Cruise's Portrayal of Les Grossman, the financial backer and executive producer of the film being made. Ever since Tom Cruise has become an open Scientologist, I have lost all respect for him. I haven't particularly wanted to see his films, and really wished he would just go away. And yet his role in this film made it so I couldn't help but like him. His character is absolutely hilarious. Maybe this will create a new career path for Mr. Cruise, as he moves into the Comedy genre.

While there has been some concern over Robert Downey Jr.'s character, who is a white man who darkened his skin to play a black man, most of the controversy has come from the way the film treats the mentally challenged. The main thrust of the protest has come from the fact that Ben Stiller's character was the star of a flop movie where he depicted a mentally challenged individual.

People are primarily offended that this fictional film becomes a tool to make fun of the mentally challenged, and have condemned the rampant use of the word retard. The film deals with Stiller's character having played a mentally challenged individual head on in this scene:

In response to the protest, Dreamworks has pulled the Simple Jack Website off the internet, and it is not even available through the use of google's cached sites. Here's the thing, though...I am not exactly sure why this one issue has been so jumped on. Why isn't the media also attacking the stereotypical depiction of Asians? Or the lack of any resolution to the discussion that takes places even in the film as to why a white man is playing a black man? This movie is offensive in a lot of areas...that does not mean it is not funny. Especially when you consider what Jack Black has to say on the subject...

The jokes are all in context of what some actors are willing to do to win an Oscar...That is a longstanding joke in Hollywood — that certain types of roles, like the one joked about in the film, help put you in the minds and eyes of the Academy voters and to what lengths some actors will go to bring one of those gold bad boys home.

All controversy aside, I enjoyed this film quite a bit. Sure, a lot of the humor is stupid and offensive, but as a whole I found myself laughing quite a bit more often than I expected. The movie did not try too hard to constantly make joke after joke to the point where it becomes forced, something that a lot of comedies are failing to do these days. It is not the funniest film I have ever seen (no way can it live up to the likes of Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin, or The Jerk), and probably isn't even the funniest movie this summer (I actually enjoyed Step Brothers a bit more), but between the comedy, action, and gore...it is one you should definitely check out. With films like Tropic Thunder and the works of Judd Apatow, it looks like R-Rated comedies are on a comeback...and I, for one, couldn't be happier.

11 August 2008

Campaign Advertisements: Now This is Just Getting Silly!

It started way back in the primaries...who can forget Hillary Clinton's 3 AM ad accusing Barack Obama of being soft on National Security. Way to chalk up points for the other team, Hillary. Then again, that is not so surprising considering the leaked Clinton internal campaign strategy memos showing that she intentionally sought to portray Obama as a foreigner and bring up Rev. Wright as often as possible.

Then we moved on to the General Election and the McCain ad calling Obama a celebrity, putting him next to images of Brittey Spears and Paris Hilton.

Awesome come back there, John. "Don't vote for Obama, he is popular in Europe. He is like a rock star. I may be boring and can't inspire a single person with my speeches, but I'm no celebrity! I'ma leader." Okay, whatever.

But now there's this: Obama's ad flipping the issue, calling McCAIN the celebrity.

Now...this ad is very well put together. It is funny and extremely clever. It's flashy. It implies that McCain would be another four years of Bush. It turns the tables back on McCain on the whole celebrity issue. And, in reality, it is pretty dishonest.

I do agree, McCain would be (in a lot of instances) more of the same when it comes to Bush policy, and we certainly cannot afford another four years of a Republican in power (especially with two looming Supreme Court vacancies), BUT...to use images of McCain on various talk shows to imply that he is the one that is in fact the celebrity is pretty misleading. I mean, after all, hasn't Barack Obama appeared on late night and talk show programs? Yup, he sure has:
The Colbert Report (2008)
The Daily Show (2005, 2007, and 2008)
The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2008)
Late Night with Conan O’Brien (2006 and 2008)
Late Show with David Letterman (2004, 2007, and twice in 2008)
Jimmy Kimmel Live (2008)
The Oprah Winfrey Show (2006 and 2006)
Real Time with Bill Maher (2005)
Saturday Night Live (2007)
The Today Show (2007 and 2008)
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (2006)
Tavis Smiley (2004 , 2005, 2006, and 2008)
WWE Monday Night Raw (2008)

Well, there you have it. They must BOTH be celebrities. They are both running for President and are both super famous. Obama is just more captivating. It is time for the Obama team to go a new angle, and get back to the policy attacks (which the ad nicely contains in the middle there...they just simply get lost with the celebrity message!)

Either way, at least we don't have any commercials with fun images like this from the Olympics:

Way to hold the flag the proper way King George II.

08 August 2008

Realism vs. Idealism: A Progressive Critique of Obama’s Energy Policy

As a Kucinich supporter who caucused for Barack Obama, it is not surprising that while I support the candidate (and may actually be voting for him, rather than against the other candidate, for a change), I am at odds with him on certain issues. Thus, when I decided to delve into Obama’s New Energy for America plan that was released earlier this week, I was expecting to outright reject a good portion of it. After all, the Democrats are not exactly that green friendly. Sure they talk the talk, but generally they are too beholden to big corporations to ever walk the walk. It is why Al Gore has been so much more effective as a public citizen than he ever was while in office. And yet, somehow, while reading his plan, the Idealist in me (that calls for radical energy changes) seems to have given way to the Realist in me. If we are going to move in the right direction on energy policy, it may just require some give and take.

I know, I know, that is blasphemy from the guy who has oft been quoted as saying that, when it comes to the Congress, “it is better to get nothing done than to get the wrong thing done.” But here’s the deal, and I will put this bluntly…we’re fucked! We need to change our direction on energy and change it now. If you consider how difficult it will be to get politicians who receive millions of dollars in campaign donations from major polluters to vote against their own self interest, then to truly blaze a new path there has to be some give and take. In an ideal world, this would never be the case, but in reality we have a lot of work to do and getting started in that direction is a necessity. That being said, let’s take a look at this highly nuanced and intelligent plan and discuss what positive and negatives come from it, and whether such negatives are necessary evils.

First and foremost, the plan contains some lofty aspirations. From providing relief from high gas prices to developing renewable resources, the plan has far reaching goals. According to the Obama team, his plan will achieve the following:

• Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump

• Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.

• Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined

• Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars – cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon – on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America

• Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050

It is easy to make such claims; McCain, afterall, has said that he will just come up with one hundred something billion dollars tomorrow if need be (without explaining how). The real question, then, is whether Obama’s plan is viable and beneficial.


On the question of providing immediate relief at the pump, the plan calls for an emergency energy rebate, a crackdown on oil speculators, and a release of light crude oil from the strategic reserve (with intention of later replacing it with heavy crude oil) to lower oil prices. While the first two are an excellent idea no doubt, the notion of lowering prices by releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve may not be the best plan.

Although it is not explained exactly how the rebate will be implemented, the plan calls for an emergency energy rebate to be paid directly to individuals ($500) and married couples ($1000) by requiring oil companies to pay it out of “their record-breaking windfall profits.” Now this is an idea I can get behind. Basically, the government would levy a windfall profits tax against oil companies. It seems only fair considering that while we are all paying more at the pumps, Exxon is reporting second-quarter earnings of $11.68 billion, the largest profit by any U.S. corporation EVER.

Second, the plan seeks to end rampant oil speculation by closing loopholes in the Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulations and increasing transparency on the speculative market. Sounds good. Transparency is always a plus.

Third, Obama calls for a drawing down of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (for those unfamiliar with the SPR, this report contains an excellent explanation and history of it.) As the aforementioned report nicely lays out, the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) of 1975 allows for a drawdown of the Reserve if the President finds that there is an interruption in the energy supply that creates the following conditions:

(a) an emergency situation exists and there is a significant reduction in supply which is of significant scope and duration; (b) a severe increase in the price of petroleum products has resulted from such emergency situation; and (c) such price increase is likely to cause a major adverse impact on the national economy.

Later, in 1990, Congress amended the EPCA to allow for the President to drawdown from the SPR for a short period without declaring such an emergency and granted the President the authority to “loan” oil from the SPR as long as it is returned with a “premium” of additional oil.

Thus, Obama is seeking to do the latter, with the premium being that light crude is being replaced with heavy crude. Although I don’t say this very often, I think this might be one time where I agree with President Bush that this is a bad idea. While an immediate addition of more oil could lower gas prices, it also may have no impact at all. The oil companies are already making record profits, and yet we have seen no benefit. I am afraid I have to say I agree with the President when he asserts that drawing down the SPR in the absence of a severe energy disruption is contrary to the purpose for which the SPR was created and will simply make our nation more vulnerable to a supply interruption. Of course Obama is only attempting to implement the bill that was offered to the House of Representatives by Democratic Reps. Lampson and Markey (H.R. 6578 Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) Drawdown and Swap) and failed to pass on the House on 24 July (although Mr. Kucinich voted in favor of it, so maybe I should reconsider my opinion). One key reason why I do not think this should be done, other than the above mentioned notions, is that studies are already showing that people are adapting to high gas prices, in such ways that could provide long term benefits. We need major changes in the way we treat gasoline. I myself have been walking and using the bus much more than I ever did in the past. Considering how minimal the short term benefits would be, this solution is likely not the answer. Rather than drawing from the SPR, it may be a better idea to levy a larger tax upon windfall oil profits to provide more direct benefits to consumers…or how about some price controls and nationalization of any companies found guilty of price fixing? That may be extreme, but would certainly prevent such future abuses and may be entirely legal.


According to the plan, the two major issues facing the nation in the long term are global warming and the U.S. dependence on foreign oil. According to Obama, it is a “moral, environmental, economic, and security imperative” for the United States to tackle these issues in a sustainable manner. He seeks to do this by addressing climate change, investing in energy while creating new jobs, making our automobiles fuel efficient, promoting the domestic energy supply, diversifying energy resources, and committing to reduce energy consumption and cost.

Climate Change

Obama seeks for the United States to address global climate change by implementing a cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and by re-engaging the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and bringing nations together to find an effective solution to reduce emissions. It is about time that the U.S. become a leader on fighting pollution again; rejoining UN efforts to curb global warming and introducing a cap-and-trade system that has worked in Europe and was recently adopted by British Columbia is a step in that direction.

Investment in Technology and Clean Jobs

The plan seeks to use money raised from the cap-and-trade auctions to invest in basic research, technology demonstration, and aggressive commercial deployment and Clean Market creation. $150 billion will be invested over 10 years to:
accelerate the commercialization of plug-in hybrids, promote development of commercial scale renewable energy, encourage energy efficiency, invest in low emissions coal plants, advance the next generation of biofuels and fuel infrastructure, and begin transition to a new digital electricity grid.

This will allow for the creation of a new, highly skilled workforce that can fill the estimated 5 million new green jobs that will be created by the plan. This new workforce will include veterans, as money will be invested in counseling and education for said veterans in the field, along with the creation of “career pathways” and “educational programs” that within the industry. Training Programs would also be implemented for the general population. Furthermore, the plan seeks to create a federal grant program that allocated money “to the states to identify and support local manufacturers with the most compelling plans for modernizing existing or closed manufacturing facilities to produce new advanced clean technologies.”

While this is quite an arduous task, taking action in this way would certainly help pave the way for a greener future. It would also create jobs that are much needed in our country. Too often professional jobs are being replaced with jobs in the service industry; here is a chance to create new jobs and help the environment at the same time. I am in.

Fuel Efficiency

The plan also seeks to create greater fuel efficiency by increasing fuel economy standards, developing advanced vehicles (including putting one million plug-in electric cars on the road by 2015), partnering with domestic automakers, mandating that all new vehicles are flex-fuel, developing sustainable biofuels and the infrastructures to support them, and establishing a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). This all sounds great. The only snag could be the resistance of automakers (for an amazing discussion of this, go rent the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?). However, the plan seeks to alleviate such concerns by providing $4 billion in tax credits and loan guarantees for domestic automakers so that fuel efficient cars can be built in plants in the United States. Again, ambitious, but all of these things are sorely needed.

Domestic Energy

The plan further calls for increased production of oil and gas domestically (without opening areas that are currently protected). This includes offshore drilling and working with the Canadian Government to construct the Alaskan Natural Gas Pipeline. Further offshore drilling would seem not only to be a mistake, but is a complete reversal of statements that Obama has made in the past. Apparently he now agrees with President Bush, who only a few weeks ago lifted the executive ban on offshore drilling that was officially banned by the executive order of his own father in 1990. The last thing we need is to further our dependence on oil. Sure this may slightly change our dependence on foreign oil, but it will not have any sort of immediate impact. Maybe this is Obama reaching across the aisle in a nod to his Republican counterparts, but embracing the idea as a whole seems like a bad idea. However, if it gets the Republicans to vote in favor of the rest of the plan, then by all means, we can give a little if it will result in a long term solution that does not include off shore drilling.

Diversification of Energy Reources

The plan that Obama puts forth rightly notes that we need to diversify our energy sources, rather than simply relying upon one new technology. In order to do so, he proposes requiring that 10% of electricity must come from renewable sources by 2012, developing clean coal technology, and only allowing expansion of nuclear energy if it is safe and secure (which includes developing safe ways to store the waste already out there). Clean coal may be an oxymoron, but it is a move in the right direction. Enough said.

Reducing Energy Consumption and Cost

Finally, the plan calls for making the U.S. the most energy efficient nation in the world. He first seeks to do this by setting an aggressive energy efficiency goal of reducing electricity demand by 15% from the Department of Energy’s current projected levels by 2020. According to the plan, this will save consumers $130 billion and reduce carbon emissions by over 5 billion tons by 2030. Furthermore, he would require that all new buildings be carbon neutral by 2030, overhaul federal efficiency standards for appliances, and reduce federal energy consumption (as “the federal government is the world’s largest single consumer of energy in the world”). Finally, the plan would allow for incentives paid to utilities that implement green changes, make a major investment in the nation’s energy grid to allow it to be more efficient through the creation of a Smart Grid, aid in the weatherization of American homes, and build sustainable communities that are built around bicycles and other alternative transportations.

Maybe it is just me, but this last part of the plan seems the most ambitious. While changing standards, modernizing the power grid, and creating new incentives are done easily enough, the creation of sustainable communities may be the most difficult (and, in the end, if carried out, it could also be the most effective solution). While the higher gas prices have caused people to resort to alternative means of transportation already, there are areas of the country where the notion of public transportation is nonexistent, let alone the ability to travel via bicycle or foot. This would require a major investment in infrastructure and safety measures. However, cost aside, doing so can only be beneficial.

This analysis is by no means complete. It was a large task to undertake, and the longer I was at it, the more taxed my brain became…but as a whole I have to say: The Obama Energy Plan may have some parts with which I disagree, and may be extremely difficult to implement, but it is this sort of radical change that is needed. If we all embrace such changes, such a plan may just work. And then we can leave this planet in a better state than it was when we found it, so that future generations may enjoy it.

Wow, that was a lot to cover. I hope that it can help you develop your own opinion on the policy that Obama is putting forth. Next time I will tackle John McCain’s energy plan (THE LEXINGTON PROJECT: An All of the Above Energy Solution).

03 August 2008

The Myth of the Liberal Media: Obama Edition

No matter where you turn these days, someone is talking about how Barack Obama is the media darling. How he gets all of the coverage and is being treated like the President when the election hasn’t even occurred yet. This notion that Obama gets all the media attention was a favorite talking point of Hillary Rodham Clinton when she was refusing to drop out of the race (never mind the fact that the Media kept her in it but talking about how it was a race down to the wire even when it was all but impossible for her to get the nomination). Unsurprisingly, it seems as if John McCain’s team has taken up the Clinton motto and now cries foul at the coverage that Obama is getting.

The Liberal Media scare tactic has been one the right has been using for years. And yet, the Neoconservative mouthpiece himself, Bill Kristol, has declared ”The liberal media were never that powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures.” So what can we make of the latest effort by the right to proclaim a liberal media bias in its coverage of Obama? Pure lies and spin (what Fox News does best)!

Last week, the Center for Media and Public Affairs released a study showing that, in fact, the major news networks have been harder on Barack Obama than they have on John McCain. As the press release on the study declares:
These results are from the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) 2008 Election News Watch Project. They are based on a scientific content analysis of 249 election news stories (7 hours 38 minutes of airtime) that aired on ABC World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, and Fox Special Report (first half hour) from June 8, 2008 to July 21, 2008. Previously we analyzed 2144 stories (43 hrs 30 min airtime) during the primary campaign from December 16, 2007 through June 7, 2008. We report on all on-air evaluations of the candidates by sources and reporters, after excluding comments by the campaigns about each other.

The study showed that of all on-air coverage of Barack Obama since the end of the primaries, seventy-two percent (72%) of it was negative. During that same time, however, John McCain has only received fifty-seven percent (57%) negative coverage. This is a huge turnaround from the primaries where the media coverage of Barack Obama was only thirty-eight percent (38%) negative (and although the Clinton coverage was a balanced 50/50 for the most part, much of the so-called negative coverage she received had to do with the performance of Mr. Clinton, who received a whopping seventy-six percent (76%) amount of negative coverage).

What the Right would like you to believe is that more coverage in terms of time spent discussing a candidate will show a liberal bias. Afterall, since June 8th,Obama has been the subject of 120 stories on the big three’s evening news programs, while McCain has only been the subject of 80. Hazzah! The media must favor Obama then…but look at the numbers, it doesn’t work that way. If Obama is receiving one and a half times the coverage of McCain, and yet 72% of that coverage is negative, it would follow that OBAMA IS RECEIVING BY FAR MORE NEGATIVE COVERAGE. That is roughly 86 negative stories on Obama, more than the McCain’s total number of stories. Delve further into the numbers and you see that McCain had roughly 45 positive stories to Obama’s 34. Needless to say, more coverage doesn’t necessarily mean a bias in any candidate’s favor.

If the numbers aren’t enough for you, let’s look at an anecdote. After goading Obama to travel abroad, the McCain team began attacking the presumptive Democrat nominee for leaving the country during campaign season. Then they released this ad claiming that Obama only gives a damn about the troops when the media is around:

If the media had some sort of pro-Obama slant, they certainly would have taken McCain to task for this commercial. Let’s forget for a second most of the false claims in the ad, like the notion that he is against troop funding, and focus upon the idea that the troops are merely a photo op for Obama. The claim in the commercial is that because Obama had time to go shoot hoops for the troops in front of the cameras, but canceled his visit to an Army base in Germany, that he is not for our troops. However, as a Pentagon spokesperson has clarified, officials at the Pentagon told the Obama camp after Obama was already en route that he could not visit the Army base with campaign staff in tow, stating that “[w]e informed the Obama staff that he was more than welcome to visit as Senator Obama, with Senate staff. However, he could not conduct the visit with campaign staff.” Thus, Obama had no choice but to cancel that specific visit.

Upon this realization one might think the so-called Liberal Media would go after McCain for such tactics. While the networks did comment upon the fact that Obama responded to McCain’s attempt to paint him negatively, they all (initially) failed to mention that the ad was in fact FALSE. MSNBC did eventually note that the ad was false, but the networks in general did not jump on McCain the way they would any other candidate who makes such a false statement.

So, the next time someone tells you there is a liberal bias in the media, tell them to get their facts checked. It shouldn’t take astute observations by the likes of Jon Stewart for people to start getting that the media goes after Obama. Then again, he does it better than anyone else: