That’s right friends, here is my voter guide for this upcoming election. While I will focus primarily on Washington State, don’t you worry California, some of your three billion propositions (don’t foget to vote maybe on Prop 12,963 to make Jim beam the official drink of Wednesdays!) will be covered. Now, to avoid getting too long winded, here we go…
FIRST AND FOREMOST…VOTE YES ON PROP 1 TRANSPORTATION! Enough of Seattle being a backwards, no mass transit having, hick town. JUST DO IT FOR CHRIST SAKE!
President: John McCain vs. Barack Obama vs. Third Party Candidates
This one was harder than you may think. And, no, I would never consider voting for John McCain (frankly, if you aren’t making over $1 million and you vote for McCain, then you probably voted wrong). In short, the Ralph Nader/Matt Gonzalez ticket is very intriguing to me…it has nothing to do with Ralph Nader though. Sure, he may be one of the best citizen activists we have had. And no he did NOT cost Gore the 2000 election…Gore did. But Matt Gonzalez is extremely appealing to me. He was a member and president of the San Francisco County’s Board of Supervisor’s, and narrowly lost defeat as a Green against Gavin Newsom in the 2003 SF Mayoral race. But, in the end, this election is too important, and I am not about to tell my kids that I didn’t vote for the first Black President (barring another stolen election).
Governor: Dino Rossi vs. Chris Gregoire
This is easy. Sure, Rossi has a handful of good ideas. But we’re saying, like, four! He opposes funding for women’s health care, says he will veto any bill legalizing gay marriage, and Rossi says things like “I will not lower minimum wage,” meaning, also, that he will not RAISE it! Sure, I do not particularly like Gregoire, but Rossi would be a fucking nightmare.
U.S. Congressional District 7: Jim McDermott vs. Steve Beren
How can you not vote for Dr. Jim?! He is one of the few great Congressmen in this country.
Secretary of State: Sam Reed vs. Jason Osgood
There was a time where Sam Reed was a respected, non-partisanesque Secretary of State. Then he had to go and show his true colors as a Republican hack when he applauded a court decision to allow Rosi to run as GOP instead of as Republican, so he could distance himself from McCain. Ridiculous. Find me on the next election’s ballot as the candidate of the “Liberal Whiskey and Music Party.”
School Superintendent: Randy Dorn vs. Terry Bergeson
Terry Bergeson, the champion of the WASL, seems to not even understand the significance of her own test. Is it good? Bad? Who knows…she sure hasn’t taken a stance on it, and without proper funding e may never know. Dorn is Executive Director of the Public School Employees of Washington and wants to fix WASL. Vote Dorn.
Initiative Measure 985
Oh man. On first blush, this seems great. But, knowing it is a Tim Eyman bill, you KNOW you have to look deeper. That douchebag is always trying to fuck something up. This time, it is our transportation system. Sure, opening the HOV lanes after hours sounds great. They do it in California. Yet, it is the other aspects of the bill that are bad. Opening up carpool lanes 18 hours a day may be good, but it also (as the stranger points out) takes local funds for transportation and puts it in a statewide pool, takes money away from education and health care/public safety, and prohibits tolls that will be required to retrofit the decrepit 520 Bridge. Just vote no. Please.
Initiative Measure 1000
Death with dignity. I have the right to die if I want to. And the best way is for me to consult with two doctors who can help me do so pain free if I have less than 6 months to live. The scare tactics the opposition use have proven unfounded in Oregon, where they have the identical law. I understand if you don’t want this ability for yourself, but don’t use your morals to tell me what I can do with my life. Vote yes.
Initiative Measure 1029
Requiring further certification for home health care workers is a great idea. But it is expensive, will drive up public and private costs, and almost doubles the training required. This is a good idea, but a poor outcome. Let the State Legislature do it. Vote no.
King County Charter Amendment 8
Nonpartisan County Council elections?! Hell no!
City of Seattle Propositions
Prop 1: Yes for Pike Place Market.
Prop 2: Yes for Seattle’s Parks and it will barely cost you anything.
Here are some other races that you’ll just have to take my word on:
Attorney General: John Ladenburg
Lt. Governor: Brad Owen
State Auditor: Brian Sontag
State Treasurer: Jim McIntire
Commissioner of Public Lands: Peter J. Goldmark
Insurance Commissioner: Mike Kreidler
King Country Superior Court-Positions 1, 22, & 37: Holly Hill, Tim Bradshaw, Jean Rietschel.
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9 years ago
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