For quite some time now I have been meaning to write on the topic of ACORN. From the beginning, this Republican tactic of yelling "ACORN ACORN ACORN" has been a complete (excuse my language) FUCKING joke. What it has done is that it has forced the Media and the Public to focus upon Voter Fraud (when there has never been a single documented case of this occurring...and even though they claim there are over 5 million examples, when asked for names of people who voted illegally, they can't even give 5, and all of those that they have given have been REAL voters) when the REAL problem that is occurring is VOTE SUPPRESSION on the part of the Republicans. This was widespread in 2000 and 2004.
In fact, in 2004, it has been shown through an audit that in Ohio alone Kerry was illegally cost 200,000 votes (and that was in only 18 counties), well over the margin that Bush won by and more than enough to catapult him to the Presidency. That is just one state. And it is happening all over again in Ohio.
Don't be surprised, the Republicans are trying to steal this election. It will occur in 2008. In fact it already has. 1/9 voters in New Mexico...Purged! In Colorado? Well that figure is 1 in 5. All we can do is hope that more people turn out than are suppressed.
Lucky for me, I don't really need to write too much on this, as a professional has done it for me. Here is Robert Greenwald's new short film on ACORN:
Pretty scary stuff, huh?! Want to know how to steal back you vote? Greg Palast and RFK, Jr. are here to help. They have created a website at with a nice comic book. Here is a sample of how they say to steal your vote back in the comic book:
The site also include a film that Palast made on the subject:
Steal Back Your Vote! from Greg Palast on Vimeo.
So, I know you are all worried now, but that is why it is important to make sure your vote counts. The elections were stolen in 2000 and 2004...let's not let it happen again. Now get out there and VOTE!
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