I know, you all probably want more political commentary...and believe me it is coming. But if you will recall, I do talk about film and other pop culture items from time to time. Thus, I present for your viewing pleasure the trailer for Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist!
Now, I had heard a lot about this film. That it was great. Just like Juno. That it was horrible and not worth your time...and the truth is somewhere in the middle there. As a huge fan of Juno, I think I was going into this film with higher expectations. The premise of the film is super "cute" and it could have been absolutely amazing. And yet, what comes out seems really contrived. Michael Cera, who plays Nick, is essentially playing the exact same character he does in every film...and yet, someone that didn't bother me. I expected it to, since he is certainly now typecast as the shy emo kid who is way into music and pretty smart, and maybe even a little bit artsy, who somehow gets girls (now THAT requires willing suspension of disbelief...otherwise I would be rolling in the ladies...kidding, kidding!).
The film was just missing that certain something. There were times where it was overly predictable, and the connection that the two main characters so obviously had with each other (based upon the way they acted) just didn't seem plausible. At times, I was just plain bored (good thing I brought oranges and carrots with me to keep me entertained). And...the things I laughed at were mere chuckles, nothing too grandiose. Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad film, it is just that it could have been so much better.
I don't want to give too much away about the film, so that if you feel compelled to go watch it you still can, but I will say this...unless you are going on a date with a guy or girl you have just started seeing, you might as well wait for video. That is really the only reason I can recommend paying the $10+ to go see this in the theaters. Don't get me wrong, it is not a bad film. There were several parts I enjoyed quite a bit, and I would venture to say that I may have even liked the film as a whole. But at best I would say maybe 3 stars. It was missing that super cute factor to make it a great date movie, and a great movie for all you hopeless romantics out there (cough cough this guy).
In the end, what I really wanted was this:
1 comment:
agreed. saw it with my sister this weekend and the next day we had forgotten that we had seen a movie!
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