04 May 2008

Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the Media!

I have talked to a lot of people about Rev. Wright, but I think it is time to expand the dialog. The media, who has been against Obama from the beginning (don't believe the Clinton spin), has continuously used the spectre of Jeremiah Wright to attack Obama and scare white people away from voting for him. But, let me ask you...how many people have actually heard his comments in context?

Here is the sermon it its entirety following 9/11:

Now, nothing he says in there seems to outrageous to me. Sure, take a few soundbites out of context and he sounds crazy...but listen to the ENTIRE sermon and NO!!! This man is giving a sermon that asks us rethink or own lives in light of 9/11 and to engage in self-examination and your relationship with God. Sounds a LOT more reasonable than some of the stuff I hear come out of right wing pastor mouth. And don't even get me started on Hillary's pastorate (There is a book coming out entitled The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power which talks about her pastorate--in the general sense, not having to do with Hillary in any way--and how it is broken into cells and that "[a]t the heart of the Family's American branch is a collection of powerful right-wing politicos, who include, or have included, Sam Brownback, Ed Meese, John Ashcroft, James Inhofe, and Rick Santorum."*)

In short, the Media and the Right Wing (and Hillary Clinton, or is that redundant?) is using Rev. Wright as a means to taint Obama's run. Those of you who have talked to me about Obama know that 1) I caucused for him, 2) I do have reservations about Obama, and 3) I truly wish a more liberal candidate could win because Obama is rather centrist despite what the media tries to paint him as...however, I think he is our only chance to beat McCain in November. Or at least I though that...thanks to Hillary and her campaign, that chance may be evaporating. She coninues her scorched earth tactics while people within her campaign admited months ago that she had less than a 10% chance of winning. Some within the campaign said 5%. Now, with more primaries gone by, and Clinton only having gained (literally) a few delegates, that chance is almost nil. Yet she continues on wasting money and hurting the Party. I think maybe it is time that HER chickens come home to roost and she is booted from the party! What do you say Howard?

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