11 August 2008

Campaign Advertisements: Now This is Just Getting Silly!

It started way back in the primaries...who can forget Hillary Clinton's 3 AM ad accusing Barack Obama of being soft on National Security. Way to chalk up points for the other team, Hillary. Then again, that is not so surprising considering the leaked Clinton internal campaign strategy memos showing that she intentionally sought to portray Obama as a foreigner and bring up Rev. Wright as often as possible.

Then we moved on to the General Election and the McCain ad calling Obama a celebrity, putting him next to images of Brittey Spears and Paris Hilton.

Awesome come back there, John. "Don't vote for Obama, he is popular in Europe. He is like a rock star. I may be boring and can't inspire a single person with my speeches, but I'm no celebrity! I'ma leader." Okay, whatever.

But now there's this: Obama's ad flipping the issue, calling McCAIN the celebrity.

Now...this ad is very well put together. It is funny and extremely clever. It's flashy. It implies that McCain would be another four years of Bush. It turns the tables back on McCain on the whole celebrity issue. And, in reality, it is pretty dishonest.

I do agree, McCain would be (in a lot of instances) more of the same when it comes to Bush policy, and we certainly cannot afford another four years of a Republican in power (especially with two looming Supreme Court vacancies), BUT...to use images of McCain on various talk shows to imply that he is the one that is in fact the celebrity is pretty misleading. I mean, after all, hasn't Barack Obama appeared on late night and talk show programs? Yup, he sure has:
The Colbert Report (2008)
The Daily Show (2005, 2007, and 2008)
The Ellen DeGeneres Show (2008)
Late Night with Conan O’Brien (2006 and 2008)
Late Show with David Letterman (2004, 2007, and twice in 2008)
Jimmy Kimmel Live (2008)
The Oprah Winfrey Show (2006 and 2006)
Real Time with Bill Maher (2005)
Saturday Night Live (2007)
The Today Show (2007 and 2008)
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (2006)
Tavis Smiley (2004 , 2005, 2006, and 2008)
WWE Monday Night Raw (2008)

Well, there you have it. They must BOTH be celebrities. They are both running for President and are both super famous. Obama is just more captivating. It is time for the Obama team to go a new angle, and get back to the policy attacks (which the ad nicely contains in the middle there...they just simply get lost with the celebrity message!)

Either way, at least we don't have any commercials with fun images like this from the Olympics:

Way to hold the flag the proper way King George II.

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