10 September 2008

Lies Lies Lies: Why Does Barack Obama Want Our Kindergarteners to Start Fucking?!

It has taken some time, but the so-called “Liberal Media” is finally reporting on some of the misleading advertisements and statements that the McCain/Palin campaign has been disseminating since the RNC. The most notorious of these misadventures in stretching the truth is one of the latest McCain attack adds that declares that Obama wants to teach our kindergarteners to learn about sex before they can even read. Wow! Here is the ad:

Okay, this is just ridiculous. Without even looking at the facts, HOW CAN ANYONE BELIEVE THAT BARACK OBAMA WOULD WANT KINDERGARTENERS TO BE TAUGHT COMPREHENSIVE SEX EDUCATION?! Unfortunately, not all Americans are so smart…they tend to believe the lies spread about him (remember that whole Muslim thing?). But, instead, let’s step into a time machine and travel back to 2004, and look at the fact that Alan Keyes made these same allegations in Obama’s Senate Run. His attempts to attack Obama on this issue weren’t successful then, and McCain’s attempt to do it now is down right misleading. And what is the basis for this accusation? Illinois S.B. 99.

First off, the ad implies that Barack Obama was somehow responsible for the legislation (his “one accomplishment”). And yet he was not even one of the sponsors of the Bill. Furthermore, the bill never even passed.

That being said, let’s look at the Bill itself. The text of the Bill is long, but there are two significant parts to look at:
Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of HIV…[but] shall emphasize that abstinence is an effective method of preventing unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV…

Course material and instruction shall teach pupils to not make unwanted physical and verbal sexual advances and how to say no to unwanted sexual advances and shall include information about verbal, physical, and visual sexual harassment, including without limitation nonconsensual sexual advances, nonconsensual physical sexual contact, and rape by an acquaintance.

So, the text of the bill does state that comprehensive sex education could be extended to those in K through 12. But, as Barack Obama has stated ad naseum, it is the latter provision that is significant for elementary school aged children…to teach them how to avoid sexual predators and what to do when sexual advances are made against them. The whole idea is to teach age appropriate sex education

However, for those that may have been concerned that the “comprehensive sex education” might be extended to kindergarteners, the Bill, itself, ensures IN THE VERY FIRST CLAUSE that objecting parents do not have to allow their kids to learn sexual education at school, as it starts out:
No pupil shall be required to take or participate in any class or course in comprehensive sex education if the pupil's parent or guardian submits written objection thereto…

In short, it would have given parents the right to prevent any such lessons from being taught to their children. In the text, they are even given the right to go over the materials and ensure that they are acceptable. All in all, a pretty misleading advertisement by the McCain/Palin team.

And that is just one example…let us not forget other such inaccuracies as Sarah Palin’s stance on the “Bridge to Nowhere,” the statement that Barack Obama wants everyone’s taxes to be raised, or that Obama’s “Lipstick on a Pig” comment was gender based, amongst many others (each of those could encapsulate a single blog entry and I do not have the patience or wherewithal to go through with each statement right now).

As Huffington Post reports, the media sources now calling into question McCain’s “gutter politics” and/or mistruths include The New Republic, CBS, MSNBC, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chicago Tribune, Slate, Washington Post, The American Prospect , and even the McCain championing Associated Press. It is about time the media started wising up to such misdeeds! Now, let’s hope they keep it up!

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